Where to Trade Board Games: The Best Platforms for Game Enthusiasts
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Where to Trade Board Games: The Best Platforms for Game Enthusiasts

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Are you a board game enthusiast looking to trade your collection with fellow gamers? Look no further! In this blog post, we will explore the best platforms for trading board games, where you can connect with like-minded individuals and expand your game library.

Board game trading has gained immense popularity in recent years, enabling players to swap games they have already enjoyed for new and exciting ones. Whether you’re looking to trade your gently used classics or the latest hot releases, these platforms offer a vibrant community of gamers eager to exchange their treasures.

From dedicated board game trading websites to online marketplaces and social media groups, there are plenty of options available to cater to every type of gamer. Each platform has its unique features and benefits, so let’s dive in and explore where to trade board games!

So, if you’ve been wondering where to trade board games, sit back and relax. We’ve got you covered! Whether you’re an experienced game trader or new to the scene, these platforms will connect you with fellow enthusiasts and help you find the perfect trade. Let’s explore the best places to trade board games and start expanding your collection today!

Introduction: The Thriving World of Board Game Trading

Have you ever found yourself growing tired of playing the same board games over and over again? Or maybe you’ve stumbled upon a new game that you’re eager to add to your collection? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then board game trading might be the perfect solution for you!

Trading board games allows you to breathe new life into your gaming experience without breaking the bank. Instead of buying new games at full price, you can exchange your current games for ones that are fresh and exciting. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to connect with fellow gamers, expand your network, and share your love for this immersive hobby.

But where can you go to trade your board games? Fortunately, there are numerous platforms and communities that cater specifically to board game enthusiasts looking to trade their beloved titles.

Why Trade Board Games Instead of Buying New Ones?

Before we dive into where you can trade board games, let’s quickly explore why trading can be a more appealing option than buying new games:

  • Cost-effective: Trading allows you to acquire new games without spending a fortune. You can trade games that you no longer play or have grown tired of, to receive exciting titles in return.
  • Discover hidden gems: Board game trading provides a unique opportunity to explore lesser-known games that might have otherwise gone unnoticed.
  • Sustainable gaming: By trading games instead of purchasing new ones, you contribute to a more sustainable gaming culture by extending the lifespan of board games.

Choosing the Right Platform for Board Game Trading

Now that we understand the benefits of trading board games, it’s important to find the right platform to facilitate your trades. Let’s explore a few popular options:

BoardGameGeek: The Ultimate Board Game Trading Community

BoardGameGeek is a beloved website among board game enthusiasts, offering an extensive database of games and a thriving trading community. You can create a wishlist, browse for trade offers, and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for board games.

The Geek Market: Exploring a Vast Selection of Board Games

The Geek Market is a marketplace within BoardGameGeek where users can buy, sell, and trade board games. It’s an excellent platform for finding rare games, limited editions, and out-of-print titles.

Trading on Reddit: Connecting with Fellow Board Gamers

Reddit boasts several dedicated subreddits for board game trading, where gamers can post their trade offers or respond to existing ones. It’s a fantastic way to connect with a diverse community of passionate board game enthusiasts.

Facebook Groups: Unearthing Rare Finds and Hidden Gems

Facebook is home to numerous board game trading groups, where members can discuss games, trade titles, and share their gaming experiences. It’s a great platform to discover new games and engage with the board game community.

BGG Virtual Flea Market: The Perfect Place for Bargain Hunters

The BGG Virtual Flea Market is an auction and trading system where you can find great deals on pre-owned games. It’s an ideal platform if you’re looking to score a bargain or simply explore a vast selection of board games.

Local Board Game Meetups: Trade Games in Your Area

Attending local board game meetups is an excellent way to meet fellow gamers, play new games, and trade titles in person. Check local forums or event websites to discover board game meetups in your area.

Online Marketplaces: Convenient Trading for Board Game Enthusiasts

Finally, online marketplaces like eBay or Amazon offer opportunities to trade board games, alongside buying and selling options.

Now that we’ve explored various platforms for board game trading, you can embark on your journey to refresh your board game collection, discover new games, and connect with the vibrant board game community. Remember to always prioritize fair trading practices, clear communication, and enjoy the exciting world of board game trading!

Why Trade Board Games Instead of Buying New Ones?

Are you an avid board gamer looking to expand your collection without breaking the bank? Trading board games can be an excellent option for you! Not only can trading save you money, but it also offers a range of other benefits that make it a popular choice among board gamers. Let’s explore why trading board games instead of buying new ones is a smart move:

Cost Savings

One of the most significant advantages of trading board games is the cost savings it offers. Board games can be quite expensive, especially when you consider the number of games you may want to add to your collection. By trading games with fellow gamers, you can acquire new titles without spending a fortune. It’s a budget-friendly way to enjoy a diverse range of games without emptying your wallet.

Variety and Diversity

Trading board games allows you to discover and explore a wide variety of games that you might not have considered purchasing otherwise. By exchanging games with fellow enthusiasts, you get the opportunity to try out different genres, mechanics, and themes. This diversity can enhance your gaming experience, introducing you to new and exciting gameplay styles.

Environmental Sustainability

Board game trading also promotes environmental sustainability. By participating in trades, you reduce the demand for new games, which, in turn, decreases the production and consumption of resources required to manufacture them. Trading helps reduce waste and contributes to a more sustainable gaming community, making it a responsible choice for eco-conscious gamers.

Engaging with the Gaming Community

Trading board games is not just about acquiring new titles; it’s also an opportunity to engage with a vibrant and passionate gaming community. Online platforms, forums, and social media groups dedicated to board game trading allow you to connect and interact with fellow gamers who share the same enthusiasm. These communities can provide valuable insights, recommendations, and even foster new friendships based on a shared love for board games.

So, the next time you’re considering expanding your board game collection, think beyond purchasing new games. Embrace the world of board game trading and reap the benefits of cost savings, variety, environmental sustainability, and community engagement. Trading board games is a win-win situation, where you gain new games while building connections and contributing to a thriving gaming ecosystem.

Choosing the Right Platform for Board Game Trading

Now that you’ve decided to dive into the incredible world of board game trading, it’s essential to choose the right platform for your trading adventures. With numerous options available, each offering unique features and benefits, finding the perfect platform can make a significant difference in your trading experience. Here are a few popular platforms to consider:

BoardGameGeek: The Ultimate Board Game Trading Community

As the name suggests, BoardGameGeek is a treasure trove for board game enthusiasts. This website not only provides a platform for trading board games but also serves as a comprehensive resource for all things board game-related. Being a part of this vibrant community allows you to connect with fellow board gamers, discuss games, and browse an extensive collection of board games available for trade.

The Geek Market: Exploring a Vast Selection of Board Games

If you’re looking for a platform that offers a vast selection of board games for trade, be sure to check out The Geek Market. This online marketplace within the BoardGameGeek community allows users to list their games for sale or trade. With a wide range of titles available, you’re bound to find that elusive game on your wishlist or discover exciting new options.

Trading on Reddit: Connecting with Fellow Board Gamers

Reddit, the popular social news aggregation and discussion platform, also has a dedicated subreddit for board game trading. Joining this subreddit allows you to connect with a community of passionate board gamers who are enthusiastic about trading. Here, you can share your game collection, explore what others have for trade, and negotiate deals.

Facebook Groups: Unearthing Rare Finds and Hidden Gems

Facebook groups have become a popular hub for niche communities, and the board game trading community is no exception. Joining relevant Facebook groups dedicated to board game trading can offer a wide range of trading opportunities. Many groups specialize in specific games, genres, or geographical regions, making it easier to find other enthusiasts with similar trading interests.

It’s worth mentioning that while Facebook groups can be a great resource, exercise caution when engaging in trades. Ensure you follow best practices, such as verifying the reputation of potential trading partners and using secure payment methods.

BGG Virtual Flea Market: The Perfect Place for Bargain Hunters

For those seeking bargains and deals, the BGG Virtual Flea Market is a must-visit destination. This online market within the BoardGameGeek community allows users to sell or trade their board games at competitive prices. You’ll find listings from individuals looking to downsize their collections or make room for new games, providing an excellent opportunity to snag some incredible deals.

Remember, when choosing a platform for board game trading, consider your preferences, trading goals, and the community atmosphere. Each platform offers its unique advantages, so take the time to explore and find the one that aligns best with your trading needs and aspirations.

BoardGameGeek: The Ultimate Board Game Trading Community

If you’re an avid board game enthusiast looking to trade and expand your collection, then look no further than BoardGameGeek (BGG). Considered the ultimate board game trading community, BGG offers a plethora of resources to connect with fellow gamers and engage in exciting board game swaps. Here’s why BGG should be your go-to platform for board game trading:

A Comprehensive Community

BGG boasts a vast and active community of board game enthusiasts from around the world. With over 2 million registered users, you can easily find like-minded individuals who share your passion for board gaming. Whether you’re looking for popular titles or seeking rare editions, the BGG community is filled with valuable insights and recommendations.

The Geek Market

When it comes to exploring a wide variety of board games available for trade, the Geek Market on BGG is unbeatable. This unique feature allows users to list their games for sale or trade, providing you with countless options to browse through. With detailed descriptions, images, and user ratings, you can make informed decisions and find hidden gems that suit your gaming preferences.

Vibrant Trading Forums

BGG’s trading forums are bustling with activity, making it easy to interact with fellow board gamers and strike up exciting trades. These forums are well-organized, allowing users to create specific threads for their trade offers or wishlist items. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned trader, the forums are an excellent resource for connecting with others and expanding your collection.

BGG Virtual Flea Market

If you’re a bargain hunter seeking great deals on board games, then the BGG Virtual Flea Market is a must-visit. This section of the website enables users to buy and sell games directly from one another at affordable prices. It’s the perfect platform for finding budget-friendly options or even scoring rare editions that may be out of print.

Easy Navigation and User-Friendly Interface

One of the reasons BGG is so popular is its user-friendly interface. Navigating through the website is a breeze, allowing you to effortlessly search for specific titles, explore trade offers, and connect with other users. BGG’s intuitive design ensures that you can quickly find the information you need and streamline your board game trading experience.

In conclusion, BoardGameGeek is the ultimate board game trading community where you can connect with fellow enthusiasts, explore a vast selection of games, and engage in exciting trades. With its comprehensive resources and active user base, BGG provides an exceptional platform for expanding your board game collection and discovering new gaming experiences. So, why wait? Join the BGG community today and embark on an incredible journey of board game trading!

The Geek Market: Exploring a Vast Selection of Board Games

Board game enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new additions to their collections. Trading board games is an excellent way to refresh your gaming experience without breaking the bank. In this blog post, we have explored various platforms and communities for board game trading. Now, let’s dive into the fifth option, The Geek Market.

What is The Geek Market?

The Geek Market is an online marketplace specifically designed for board game trading. It is a part of the popular website BoardGameGeek, which serves as a hub for board game enthusiasts worldwide. The Geek Market provides a platform for gamers to buy, sell, and trade a vast selection of board games.

What makes The Geek Market stand out is its extensive collection of games available for trade. With thousands of listings, you are likely to find both popular titles and hidden gems that you’ve been searching for. Whether you are a casual gamer or a hardcore collector, The Geek Market offers something for everyone.

How Does The Geek Market Work?

Trading on The Geek Market is relatively straightforward. As a user, you can browse through the available listings to find the games you are interested in. Each listing provides information about the game’s condition, including any missing components or damage.

If you find a game you want, you can make an offer to the seller. The negotiation process occurs directly on the website, ensuring a transparent and secure exchange. Once both parties agree to the terms, you can arrange for shipping or local pickup, depending on the seller’s preferences.

Benefits of Using The Geek Market

Trading on The Geek Market offers several advantages to board game enthusiasts:

  • Access to a vast selection of board games, ranging from new releases to out-of-print titles
  • Potential to discover rare finds and hidden gems
  • Transparent negotiation process with built-in messaging system
  • Opportunity to connect with a vibrant community of like-minded gamers
  • Possibility of favorable deals and bargains

Overall, The Geek Market provides a reliable and user-friendly platform for board game trading. Whether you are looking to trade games you no longer play or expand your collection, this platform offers a convenient way to connect with fellow gamers and explore a vast selection of board games.

So, if you’re wondering where to trade board games, look no further than The Geek Market. Start your trading adventure today and embark on a journey of discovering new games and connecting with the board game community!

Trading on Reddit: Connecting with Fellow Board Gamers

If you’re an avid board game enthusiast looking to explore new trading opportunities, Reddit can be an excellent platform to connect with fellow board gamers. Reddit is a popular online community where users can discuss various topics and find like-minded individuals who share their interests. Here’s a closer look at how you can leverage Reddit for board game trading:

Find Dedicated Trading Subreddits

Reddit has specific subreddits dedicated to board game enthusiasts who are interested in trading their games. These communities provide a platform to post and browse listings, negotiate trades, and connect with potential trading partners. Some of the popular subreddits include r/BoardGameExchange and r/BoardGameSwap.

Post Your Trade List and Wishlist

When trading on Reddit, it’s essential to create a comprehensive trade list that highlights the board games you’re willing to part with. Additionally, creating a wishlist can help potential trading partners identify the games you’re interested in acquiring. Be sure to describe the condition of your games accurately and include any extras or expansions that may be included.

Engage in Open Discussions

One of the unique features of Reddit is its focus on community engagement. Take advantage of this by actively participating in discussions related to board game trading. Share your experiences, ask questions, and offer insights. By engaging with the community, you can build relationships, gain trust, and increase your chances of finding suitable trading partners.

Utilize Reddit’s Private Messaging System

When you come across potential trades, you can use Reddit’s private messaging system to communicate with other users. This feature allows for secure and direct communication, making it easier to negotiate and finalize trade agreements. Be polite, ask clarifying questions, and ensure both parties are in agreement before proceeding with the trade.

Consider Trade Feedback and Reputation

Before finalizing a trade, it’s helpful to review a user’s reputation and feedback from previous trades. Many trading subreddits have built-in rating systems where traders can leave feedback based on their experiences. Pay attention to traders who have established positive reputations, as this can indicate their reliability and trustworthiness.

Trading on Reddit provides a dynamic and interactive way to connect with fellow board gamers who are passionate about trading. By actively participating in the community and utilizing the available features, you can expand your board game collection and engage in exciting trading opportunities.

Facebook Groups: Unearthing Rare Finds and Hidden Gems

If you’re a board game enthusiast looking to trade, sell, or buy board games, Facebook Groups can be a goldmine. With a vast network of avid board gamers, these groups offer a unique opportunity for connecting with like-minded individuals and exploring a treasure trove of rare finds and hidden gems. Here’s why you should consider joining and leveraging Facebook Groups for your board game trading endeavors.

Extensive Community:

Facebook is home to countless board game communities with members from all over the world. The sheer size of these groups means that you’ll have access to a diverse range of board game enthusiasts at any given time. Whether you’re looking for a specific game or hoping to discover new titles, the expansive community on Facebook is sure to have something to offer.

Niche Groups for Special Interests:

Aside from general board game trading groups, Facebook also hosts a variety of niche groups catering to specific interests. From vintage board games to themed editions, you can find groups that focus on particular genres or eras. By joining these specialized communities, you increase your chances of finding that rare gem you’ve been searching for.

Local Connections:

Facebook Groups allow you to connect with board gamers in your local area, making it easier to arrange trades and meet in person. This can be particularly advantageous for those who prefer face-to-face interactions and want to avoid shipping costs. Local groups also provide an opportunity to participate in events and meetups where you can further expand your network.

Post Search Functionality:

Facebook’s search functionality allows you to look for specific board games or browse through relevant keywords. When you’re on the lookout for a particular game, this feature can save you time by showing you posts related to your search. Additionally, you can sort posts by date or relevance, making it easier to find recent listings or popular deals.

Engaging Discussions:

Facebook Groups are not only a platform for trading, but also for fostering conversations and sharing knowledge about board games. Participating in these discussions can enhance your understanding of various games, their mechanics, and strategies. Engaging with fellow enthusiasts can also help you discover new games that may pique your interest.

Trusted Recommendations:

One of the benefits of Facebook Groups is the ability to see member recommendations and ratings. When considering a trade, you can check a member’s profile and feedback from previous transactions to evaluate their reliability and reputation. This added layer of trust makes trading on Facebook Groups a safer and more secure experience.

If you’re looking to explore a wide selection of board games and connect with an extensive community of enthusiasts, Facebook Groups are an excellent avenue for your trading adventures. From local connections to engaging discussions, these groups provide a way to unearth rare finds and hidden gems in the vast world of board game trading.

BGG Virtual Flea Market: The Perfect Place for Bargain Hunters

When it comes to finding great deals on board games, one platform that shouldn’t be overlooked is the BGG Virtual Flea Market. If you’re a bargain hunter looking to expand your collection without breaking the bank, this online marketplace is the perfect place for you.

What is the BGG Virtual Flea Market?

The BGG Virtual Flea Market is an online marketplace specifically designed for board game enthusiasts. It is a part of BoardGameGeek (BGG), one of the most popular and authoritative websites in the board gaming community. The Virtual Flea Market provides a dedicated space for individuals to trade, buy, and sell board games.

Unlike other platforms, the BGG Virtual Flea Market is known for its active and passionate user base. The community is filled with like-minded individuals who are eager to trade and find good deals. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or just starting out, you’ll find a wide variety of board games available on this platform.

Why Choose the BGG Virtual Flea Market?

Here are a few reasons why the BGG Virtual Flea Market is the perfect place for bargain hunters:

  • Variety: With thousands of listings, the BGG Virtual Flea Market offers a vast selection of board games. You’ll find everything from classic titles to the latest releases.
  • Affordability: Many sellers on the platform offer their games at discounted prices, making it an ideal place to find bargains.
  • Trusted Community: The BGG community is known for its reliability and trustworthiness. People take pride in accurately describing the condition of their games and shipping them promptly.
  • Feedback System: The platform has a feedback system that allows users to rate and review their trading experiences. This helps ensure that you can trade with confidence.

If you’re looking to trade board games, the BGG Virtual Flea Market is one of the best platforms to consider. Take advantage of its active community, variety of listings, and affordability to find amazing deals. Whether you’re a casual player or a dedicated collector, you’re bound to uncover some hidden gems.

Local Board Game Meetups: Trade Games in Your Area

While online platforms provide convenience and access to a global community of board game enthusiasts, sometimes you crave a more personal and local touch. That’s where local board game meetups come in. These events, organized by passionate gamers in your area, offer a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow enthusiasts, make new friends, and trade games face-to-face. Here are some reasons why you should consider attending a local board game meetup for trading:

Connect with Like-Minded Individuals

Board game meetups are a haven for like-minded individuals who share your love for tabletop gaming. By attending these events, you can surround yourself with people who understand your passion, exchange recommendations, and engage in discussions about your favorite games. It’s a wonderful opportunity to build a community and find potential trading partners who have similar tastes in board games.

Personalized Trading Experience

Trading games in person allows for a more personalized experience compared to online platforms. You can inspect the game’s condition firsthand, ask questions about its history, and negotiate directly with the seller. This level of interaction ensures transparency and facilitates fair trades, giving you greater confidence in the value and condition of the games you acquire.

Discover Rare Finds and Hidden Gems

Local board game meetups often attract avid collectors and enthusiasts who possess expansive collections filled with rare, out-of-print, and hard-to-find titles. These events can be a treasure trove for discovering unique board games that may not be readily available through traditional retail channels. Whether you’re searching for a nostalgic gem or an obscure indie title, attending a local meetup might lead you to that hidden gem you’ve been longing for.

Participate in Game Demos and Experiences

Many local meetups also offer game demonstrations and playtesting sessions, providing an opportunity to try out new games before committing to a trade. These experiences allow you to gauge whether a particular game suits your preferences and helps you make informed trading decisions. Additionally, participating in game demos can introduce you to titles you might not have considered otherwise.

So, if you’re longing for a more personal, immersive, and community-driven approach to board game trading, attending a local board game meetup is a fantastic option. Not only will you have the opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals, but you’ll also be able to experience the thrill of browsing through physical collections and discovering hidden gems. Whether you’re searching for the last missing piece to complete your collection or looking to explore new games, local meetups can offer an unparalleled trading experience.

Online Marketplaces: Convenient Trading for Board Game Enthusiasts

Welcome back, fellow board game enthusiasts! If you’re passionate about trading board games and connecting with fellow gamers, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll explore the world of online marketplaces and how they provide a convenient platform for trading your beloved board games.

The Benefits of Online Marketplaces

Trading board games through online marketplaces offers several advantages that make it a popular choice among enthusiasts:

  • Wide Selection: Online marketplaces host a vast number of listings, giving you access to a diverse range of board games from different genres and editions.
  • Convenience: With just a few clicks, you can browse through numerous listings and connect with potential trading partners from the comfort of your home.
  • Global Reach: Unlike local trade meetups, online marketplaces enable trading with enthusiasts from around the world, expanding your chances of finding rare and sought-after games.
  • User Ratings and Reviews: Most online marketplaces have a rating and review system that allows users to provide feedback on their trading experiences. This feature helps build trust and ensures a smoother trading process.

Popular Online Marketplaces for Board Game Trading

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits, let’s explore some of the popular online marketplaces where you can trade your board games:

  1. BoardGameGeek Marketplace: As we’ve mentioned in a previous post, BoardGameGeek is a go-to resource for all things board games. Their marketplace is a thriving hub for trading, offering a wide range of listings and a dedicated community of passionate traders.
  2. Amazon Marketplace: Amazon, being one of the largest e-commerce platforms, also provides a convenient way to trade board games. Check for listings from third-party sellers who specialize in board games.
  3. eBay: Known for its auction-style listings, eBay is another popular platform for trading board games. You can find both new and used games, often at competitive prices.
  4. Facebook Marketplace: Facebook’s marketplace feature allows users to buy, sell, and trade various items, including board games. Join board game trading groups and explore the offerings within your local community.
  5. Reddit Board Game Exchange: Reddit has a dedicated subreddit for board game trading, where fellow enthusiasts connect and arrange trades. It’s a great place to find like-minded individuals and discover new games.

Remember to exercise caution and follow the platform’s guidelines when engaging in trade transactions on online marketplaces. Prioritize clear communication and ensure that both parties agree on the terms before finalizing any trade. Happy trading!

And there you have it! A comprehensive guide to online marketplaces for board game trading. With their wide selection, convenience, and global reach, these platforms make it easier than ever to connect with fellow enthusiasts and find the games you’ve been searching for. So, why wait? Start exploring these online marketplaces and embark on your next trading adventure!

In conclusion, when it comes to trading board games, there are several platforms out there that cater to the needs of game enthusiasts. Whether you are looking for a local trade, an online swap, or a community of like-minded individuals, these platforms offer a variety of options to help you find the perfect trade. From established websites like BoardGameGeek and Reddit’s Board Game Exchange to social media groups and dedicated trading apps, there are plenty of avenues to explore. Remember to do your research, read reviews, and ensure the platform has a good reputation before engaging in any trades. So go ahead, declutter your collection, discover new games, and connect with fellow board game enthusiasts through these reliable and trusted trading platforms. Happy trading!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are you wondering where you can trade your board games? Look no further! We have compiled a list of top platforms where you can easily buy, sell, and trade your beloved board games. Check out these frequently asked questions to find the perfect place for you to trade your board games:

  • Q: Where can I trade board games online?

    A: Some popular online platforms for trading board games include BoardGameGeek, Reddit’s /r/boardgames, and Facebook groups dedicated to board game trading.

  • Q: Are there any specific websites for trading board games?

    A: Yes, there are dedicated websites like BoardGameExchange and BoardGameCo where users can trade board games directly with one another.

  • Q: Can I trade board games locally?

    A: Absolutely! Websites like Meetup and local board game clubs and conventions often have trading events where you can meet fellow gamers and trade your games.

  • Q: Are there any mobile apps for trading board games?

    A: Yes, there are mobile apps available for trading board games. BGG Marketplace, GeekMarket, and LetGo are popular options for buying, selling, and trading board games on your smartphone.

  • Q: Is it safe to trade board games online?

    A: Generally, trading board games online is safe as long as you follow best practices. Make sure to communicate clearly with potential trading partners, use trusted platforms, and consider using secure payment methods.

  • Q: Are there any fees for trading board games online?

    A: While some platforms may charge fees for listing or selling games, many online trading communities are free to join and use. Always check the platform’s terms and conditions for any applicable fees.

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